
I have to take prednisone for tonsilitis...?

by  |  earlier

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I know i posted the previous question that said I will be taking prednisone for 3 days.. Well now I figured out that I will be taking around 50-60mg for a week(maybe two). Will this cause weight gain? And is there anything I can do to avoid it? The reason I am asking is because I have already missed the first couple days of school and I don't want to come back all fattened out.

Please let me know.





  1. I have taken predisone on and off for asthma.. i don&#039;t know why you have been prescribed that for tonsilitis..

    In any case, prednisone  will not cause weight-gain.

  2. i don&#039;t understand why you are taking it for tonsillitis. why not an antibiotic instead?

  3. your doctor probably prescribed it to reduce swelling ...  it will make you hungrier ...  gaining weight is completely up to you and your self control by paying attention to what you eat ...  you can use a food diary to keep track so you don&#039;t pig out ...  going for walks and other exercise will help keep your mind off food and relieve stress - steroids can make you cranky, too ...

  4. Prednisone can cause things like weight gain and moon face but, usually you have to be on it for longer than 2 weeks. Usually once you are off Prednisone the weight and moon face will go away.

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