
I have to teach a dance class to kids for a summer camp. I don't know what I can do to teach the boys.?

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The girls will be easy because I can just teach them the things that I learn in class (watered down of course). But I have no clue where to start with the boys. I will be teaching 7-9 year olds, and I'm pretty sure that the boys will not want to learn any type of ballet. They just won't be into that. Another thing is that I'm not the best choreographer in the world, and choreographing something for them is something that I'm very worried will fail.




  1. boys are very interested in hip hop dancing if you dont have much experience in that she should hire someone else to teach the boys quickly!!!

  2. Have a cool song for the boys.

    Teach them the beat, let them get into the rhythm of the music with very basic steps.

    Check out the Disney channel for easy young dance steps.

  3. Make it less ballet and more modern (flexed feet, stomping, spinning, etc).  One of my favorite things to do with kids is "dance emotion".  Yell out an emotion (happy, sad, angry, surprised, etc.) and they move in that way.  It's very improvisational and kids love it.  

    Throw in things like punches and jazz kicks.  The beauty of modern dance is that you can mix and match what you like from other forms and make it your own.  Use some hip-hop moves as well and keep the music up-beat and interesting.  I would tend to keep away from ballet for both genders, simply because it's more picky then other forms of dance and summer camp is supposed to be fun.

    Keep choreography simple.  They are old enough to learn some choreography, but in so few classes make sure you keep in simple enough for them to remember from week to week.

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