
I have to think of a superhero name that doesn't already excist ( for my english class) anyone an ideas?? x

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I've gota think of a name for a superhero,

it can't already excist,

im hopeless at names,

please help xx




  1. g*y man , his but could whistle when he flys

  2. bling sting

  3. what's your name?

    then we can start from there ;]

  4. Supuh Monkey

    Buck Futter

    Captain X or Captain XYZ

    The Dragonfly

  5. EarWax Man

    Protecting the ozone from high powered earwax

  6. Mammy p***y and Papa d**k

  7. Earthquake Man!!

  8. If you want the name of a superhero that does not exist then name that superhero of what you are like. Or of a famous character on tv that you really like

  9. What powers does he have? Maybe you should come up with a name that relates to his powers. How about just StrongMan or MuscleMan? lol =D I'm sorry I SUCK at picking names

  10. Turtledude

    Llama man

    Puffy Poodle

    Camel guy

    Pretty Pegnuin

  11. telaport tad

  12. Thor

    Thunder Thigh Theresa

    Babbling Barbi (can talk her way thru anything)

    Back Door Dan

  13. Super Sara and the s**y Singing Sock

  14. lmaooo i like the name thor.

    hah some kids are pretty perverted.

  15. What does your superhero have in the way of Super Powers?  

    Take that power and add a Mr. in front of it, or some other adverb/adjective.  As an Example, think of Mr. Freeze.  Another great one with a simple adjective is Green Lantern.  Add a color and a simple object and you have the makings of a great name - especially if the two are diametrically opossed.  (Lanterns are usually have a yello or white light, not Green)  Names like  The  Black Whip, Grey Lightening, Silver Streak.  

    Also think of such heros as Superman who's real name is Kal El.  YOu can make up a name in the same way and add something to it to denote his super-ness.

  16. GAYMAN

  17. d**k head all the woman love him

  18. nut sucker man to the rescue

  19. cockroach man/woman

    The "X" man/woman

  20. the whirlwind

  21. It's supposed to come from YOUR brain, not mine.

  22. What are your interests?  Music, art, sports, etc.  Pick a term from one of those and just put "Captain" in front of it.  Like "Captain Linedrive".  It's kind of lame I know, but it may help you to think of a better one.

  23. The Controller, since he can control  people.

  24. It depends on your superhero's powers... If they are an element like earth, plug in into and you will get cool synonyms like halic, which is a word no one uses! You can find something original.

  25. Mr./mrs. indestructible

  26. WOW...........i love making up names for super heros.........ummm...............captain pomme /SIR MAKENZIE.

                           those are names i gave to my little brothers action figures.........hoped i helped

  27. super hero man

  28. Well, I'd be willing to lend you "Commodore X". I originally came up with that name in the early '80s for a reformed space pirate. As time has gone by, however, I haven't really done anything with the character. Let me know what kind of character you attach the name to.

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