
I have to vent! TIJUANA MEXICO and ANIMALS!!?

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I am sooo mad after reading about stray dogs in Mexico I cant believe they electrocute the animals and only keep them in pounds for 72 hours without food or water. I HATE THESE PEOPLE!

I am not racist I am Mexican too but I have feelings and I know dogs have feelings. I dislike these people with no regard to animals well being....... If I ever see someone hurting an animal......... I would!!!? ..............

Take the animal away and care for it............... thats the best I could come up with without sounding ruthless.

Why do they do this to animals!!!!! Why would they throw stray animals off a bridge in Puerto Rico!???? WHY ARE PEOPLE SUCH As!!!!! WHY ARE PEOPLE THIS WAY????????

I am sorry I am pretty angry about this.




  1. Stop feeding into PETA and do something about the millions of starving children. Take care of your own first. Then, spay and neuter the Mexican dogs. Go start some movement or something.

  2. you are speaking about people with no education and upbringing and third world counties they eat them also in alot of places mexico being one for sure and china is anotehr alot of third world countries eat dog. take care.

  3. I agree--but why don't we extend that courtesy to all animals, not just the cute ones.  Have you ever been to a slaughterhouse?

  4. Uhm, chickens have feelings, you probably eat them too. But I'm still against the dog eating idea. Besides, those people who eat dogs in Mexico have no money or food at all, they have no means of surviving so they resort to eating dogs, their children have to eat too, besides they weren't pets or anything. Hmm, besides Yahoo is not a place for angry people to vent. And I answered your question.

  5. I never saw anyone electrocute any animals in Mexico, but there are a lot of dogs, to say the least. My husband is from Mexico and I talked to him about helping capture and spay/neuture them to decrease the population. Fortunetly, from what I hear, the government is doing just that. Whenever I am down there, the female dogs are either pregnant, have pups, or about to become pregnant right before your eyes. The saddest thing I did see was a dog that had a broken arm. Also had one run infront of our car and nearly get hit, thankfully my husband was able to dodge him/her.

  6. Oh my god! I had no idea these people did these sort of things! I completely agree, what is wrong with them! I would take all the strays away from Mexico if I could simply prevent such animal abuse from occurring. Why does no one do anything?! Are humans simply that self absorbed with their own problems to not consider the feelings and pain of innocent animals?

    I respect that you actually care for these animals, there are few out there like you and me and we should get anyone else out there like us and band together and fight for these poor creatures!

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