
I have to wear glasses and they're really crooked....?

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I have to wear glasses and they're really crooked. Its so noticeable. I sometimes feel like I am really ugly but there are so many people at work that think I'm pretty. I have small brown eyes with glasses that look like these but without the nose Pisces because they are already broken. I wish I can get contacts or some new glasses but I really cant afford them. I have had these same glasses for like 4-6 years. its time for some new ones. I have slightly rounded eyes but kinda oval too. I have glasses like those which I hate. I wanna get a different shape. Can you please help me by doing something with my eyes like make-up wise to make people actually notice me and not my dorky glasses. Also maybe a picture of some glasses that are a little nicer. I have a medium oval like shaped face is that helps any. please and thank you for helping




  1. If you need new frames, try on some in the stores to see what looks best.  There are many that have practically no frame lines to them.  My friend has some that the lenses are held in place by what looks almost like fishing line along the bottoms.  Try to avoid any big clunky frames so people can see your eyes, and try some frames that are light in color --- not black or dark brown.  Be sure to get a frame that fits your face --- if you have a small face, you don't want a super huge frame sticking way out on the sides, or bumping into your cheeks under your eyes.  I have a small face, and I even look at the kids frames --- they fit me better than adult frames a lot of the time.  Hope you find something cool!  :)  You can get glasses at WalMart pretty inexpensively -- they do eye tests too.

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