
I have to write a speech on the diversity of alternative/holistic medicine, I need some help getting started.

by Guest63372  |  earlier

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Any ideas? Or can you suggest a couple of points I should cover? Thanks!! :)




  1. Hope this helps it's direct to the question you've posed.

    Holistic/Alternative/Preventative medicine has been around since the dawn of time. It's the practices of using herbs, gemstones, Chakra work, tuning forks (acutonics), BVreathe work etc. It's listening to our instincts and and taking advise from a practitioner who has studied a modality and continues thier education in a modality(ies).

    Diversity; You've got your Naturo pathes who school through masters degrees, Homeopathes who practice natural remedies called provings, HAnds on work or Energy work; Reiki, Vibrational Medicine practitioners who school for 560 hours and are state certified to work with Aromatherapy (essential oils), acutonics, chakra reonstruction to Energetic chord work, man it goes on forever. Look up vibrational medicine or energy healing and you'll sure hit the multiple madalities. Good Luck.

  2. check out the National institutes for health (NIH) office of complimentary and alternitive medicine online (look it up) they have lots of good figures and facts about the different types and categories (which they call "modalities" and "domains") of complimentary and alternative medicine.

  3. I would recommend the following website. You may find some useful information.

  4. I don't understand what the topic is.  Are you supposed to talk about:

    1. Why "alternative medicine" is a term covering diverse practices?

    2. Practices within "alternative medicine" that are diverse?

    Either way, it's a stupid topic.  Go ask whoever told you to write that speech what exactly they mean.

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