
I have to write a speech titled "standing after a fall"?

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Any ideas? I was thinking like, recovery after war?




  1. Yeah, like the phoenix rising from its ashes.  No matter what the obstacle, it finds the strength and courage to rise again even stronger than before, and wiser from the experience. Seeming failures, setbacks, are what makes us stronger.  How many Olympians have lost countless times before?  But it gives them even greater strength to persevere and prove to the world they can do it.  The human spirit cannot be measured.  A great example is our swimmer Phelps.  He was diagnosed with ADD as a child, picked on countless times. but he persevered, found his niche.  He controls his individual lane.  He cannot control the world around him, but when he gets in his lane, he is totally in control.  How many of his schoolmates are laughing at him now????

    As far as recovery after war, all you need to is research concentration camp survivors.  Their spirit too, is immesurable.

  2. Ok... Firstly... Go listen to a song by Staind called "falling"... It has a good chorus, that you could possibly quote as your opening line...

    "Falling is easy, it's getting back up that becomes the problem!"

    I feel that would be a good opening quote...

    Then carry on, and take the speech in the opposite direction. HIT HOME on how hard it is to get up after a fall. Mention how society is convinced that you should stay down. People want you to fail. Really get animated.

    This is a very, nice and contentious topic. Speak of world icons who did stand after a fall...

    -Nelson Mandela became a world icon after spending many years in prison.

    Mention how the majority of people will rather stay down, because in our world today it seems the norm.

    Really take this topic and play with it...

    To end you should say something like...

    "Let me fall, kick me, scorn me, hate me, I will stand up again!"

    Just an idea...

  3. Yeah theres heaps you can do for this. Okay your idea is great. Then theres stuff like getting over big things in your past that really held you back, like a person passing away. Then theres stuff like being bullied majorly. I dont no, just some ideas! hope i helped =D

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