
I have to write a story. 15 points to first answer if its good:]?

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about giants. lol. the opening sentence has to be there once was a land of giants who believed trees could speak. and then i can write the rest of the story ANY way i want. it just has to be about that. any ideas?

plz:] plz:]




  1. next you can make giants take over humans and then a hero comes to help them!hope that helps!

  2. Make it about how the giants would always fight and disturb the other living things around them. So one day all these living thing(trees included) ban together to get rid of the giants. And go from there. Hope i helped!


    There once was a land of giants who believed trees could speak.They talked to them everday and night.The trees told the giantsabout their lost family members and where they could find them.

    Something like tht and your teacher will be really impressed if you use great vocabulary and NO!!!telling verbs.

    Hope this helps Good Luck:)

  4. You are promising things (15 points) that you cannot deliver.

  5. there once was a land of giants who believed trees could speak. But none of the giants eva heard them they sit and wait for one word for them but nothing they spend there lives waiting for the words of the tree.

    and just carry on the story as if the giants were waiting for a great saying from the trees and live eternity waiting for it.

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