
I have to write a story set in the future creating a dystopic society from a modern trend...any ideas?

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-the modern trend must be one you feel is wrong or detrimental to society.

-must speciate what society would look like if the trend was left unchecked.

-areas to consider: trends in technology, science, politics, social behaviors

thank you so much!!!!!!




  1. people live forever, world gets too crowded, people are being cloned, we stay in iraq forever and ever

  2. Ok well look at the current state of lower class individuals. There have been arguments that one day we will evolve and devolve, one where the higher classes evolve into a slight, intelligent race. The other race is a pygmy type creature that is very unintelligent.

    While this was a pretty severe way to look at it, it did suggest things about society that are currently happening, and due the world being run by a few very stupid people, and others messing things up for everyone else, it is possible that there could one day be societies where the upper class rule over the lower class but in a slave-master way. There are of course endless ways it could turn out, but at the moment take the UK for example. We have an underclass emerging called the "Chav", generally these people are drunks, smokers, of low intelligence and as evidence is starting to show, are damaging their children before they are born because of their drunken s*x antics. They often impregnate one woman, before moving on to another, the mothers who are often of similar intelligence also drink and smoke and damage their kids before they are born. I have heard stories of males doing this and bringing up to 7 children into the world. Some of these mothers drink and smoke, raise the children without a father figure, in lower class areas where crime is rife, and subsequently the children end up much like the fathers.

    Fortunately these people tend to either end up in prison, or remove themselves from the gene pool by driving too fast in their modified cars. Now if this continues, we could end up with the situation whereby we have two totally different races, one pygmy, one intelligent being. This would of course take hundreds if not thousands of years.

    Unfortunately due to how these people operate, it is possible that we would divide into an upper class and a lower class where a type of slavery could start occuring, or actual evident divides in physical and intellectual attributes become distinctly apparent. This might one day lead to Britain becoming not only a police state, due to the figureheads at the top being a little stupid at managing the criminal justice system, but having mass riots or "prison towns" totally segregated from society.

    Put this in the context of just about any country with a "cult" like lower class behaviour that becomes predominant, and we could start seeing civil wars or, as mentioned, slavery.

    Its not how I envision the future as hopefully our younger generation will have a stronger grasp on just what to do with our country, but as with most things, its a possibility.

    Its just an idea!

  3. Let's see...this should be easy...

    Television, with all it's horrid attributes...

    With 'reality' television, the show and movies like "Jackass", sports television 24/7, and news that is so biased it isn't funny, ... ah, wait, "Idiocracy" has already been done, hasn't it?  :-)

    How about the "Green" movement?  We could end up walking around naked, trying to eat grass, just to save the environment...and not having s*x, so the population doesn't keep growing...

    Or we could clone our replacements, so that the population stabilizes, but we are all susceptible to the same horrid disease, but since we only cloned the 'pretty' people, they all have low IQs, so they all die...

    The religions could all kill each other off, leaving only atheists,  until they start arguing over politics, and finish the job...

    Children could continue becoming more hyper, more autistic, and fatter and fatter, until they are really just too busy, distracted, and out of shape to reproduce, thus ending humanity as we know it!

    The food becomes inedible, what with Mad Cow, mercury in the fish, salmonella in the chicken, etc. etc. so we end up eating vegetarian diets, and fighting over whether the corn goes in our gas tanks or our stomachs...

    Anyway, it's a really cool idea!  Good luck!

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