
I have to write a term paper on a contemporary issue through the eyes of a classical sociological theorist?

by Guest32410  |  earlier

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I really want to do this on interracial relationships. Any ideas on how to approach this or what theorist to use?




  1. You could comment on the rarity of an interracial relationship because of socio-biology, which consists of social science as well as regular science. Socially, it's not widely accepted for races to mix- a "more" of society. It's frowned upon, although not directly, but subtly enough to make you feel it. Scientifically, it's rare because the DNA of the two would technically not cancel out each other's weaknesses, at least not in the sense of achieving it's purpose. The purpose of two people mating is to create a child that won't stand out, that won't have any obvious weakness. So, let's assume a black male has a good heart, and a white girl has a family history of heart disease. These two traits would nullify each other, giving their child a relatively normal heart, but it WOULDN'T make him not stand out- it would make him lightly colored, instead of just black or white, which would make him stand out like a sore thumb.

    Of course, this doesn't matter nowadays- it's not like we're being hunted on the streets. But it refers back to the days when we had to rely on survival of the fittest by using whatever means we could.

  2. I dont know any theorists... But your term paper sounds very interesting! Well, it depends on the precise era so we can get societal influences affecting this theorist. We need to think about what their race is... And what may influence them to write what they might write... Sorry I couldnt be on the dot, your paper just sounds like a really good one to write.

  3. Say what Classical neo,,huh?? Your question is not very clear I would like to help but im not sure I understand fully what your asking

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