
I have to write an article about reality show's credibility and its negative impact.......please help?

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I have to write an article about the credibility of reality shows and its negative impact on the young competitors as well as the viewers of the programmes. Please help me with this article




  1. This is my opinion:  They justify promiscuous behavior, rudeness, cheating, yelling down others to get a your point across, fighting others to get what you want.

    I also feel that it encourages young people to aspire to be on those shows for fame and fortune the easy way instead of aspiring to study hard and work hard and develop actual talent in order to succeed.

  2. I think contestants on Big Brother for example they know what they are in for and what will happen when they leave so its their own fault (in my opinion) if they go on and start complaining about the treatment and living standards. Not bullying though no-one deserves that.

    Sing song talent shows are horrible they feed off embarrassing people. Contestants on those programmes believe so much that they have talent that they don't care how badly they are treated for public 'entertainment'.

    I saw a bit of Britains Got Talent where a woman was playing piano on stage in a theatre and EVERYONE booed her off, that is disgraceful and how much of the audience behavior is lead by flash cards i wonder. (clap now, boo now)

  3. As far as credibility you can't give them too much. The one's with audience call ins are all popularity contests. Take a show like America's Best Dance Crew. One of the weeks the two crews with the least votes were up for elimination. The problem is that those crews were the most talented and technical of the groups in the competition. Most of America has no idea what is insanely difficult because a professional will make it look easy. If you have enough people call in enough times to vote you can sway the outcome. Will the actual best crew win? No, just the most popular. It's happened on too many of the contest shows.  One must not forget editing. What we see on certain shows isn't exactly what happened, or in what order it happened. Things are shown from different days as occurring on one day, fights and talks are edited to have a different outcome, scenes are cut in to show people listening who weren't actually listening. Survivor contestants say that Tribal Council takes hours not a few minutes.

    One negative impact is that young people think that they can get on a show and their lives will change. Most of the contestants of the competition shows have been at this their whole lives and will eventually fall back into the daily grind. Very few make it, and then they are owned by their managers and the show. Take a person like Justin Guiarani (?) who came in 2nd place the first season of Idol. They surely blocked his career to push up Kelly Clarkson.  And then take Ruben he won but it was Clay Aiken whose career they pushed.

    Young people also learn to drink excessively, have s*x indiscriminately and use people to get what you want (show-mances) and to lie and cheat and attack others. They also seem to lose common sense and not think about the big picture as well as the after effects.  

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