
I have tons of old scarves. what creative projects can i use them for?

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i know you can decorate pilllows with them. can you make a scarf into a skirt? if so, how? and what other projects can i use them for?




  1. yup gr8! you can make a gr8 skirt out of it!! try making a mini skirt with layers of cute horizontal frills! try nice contrast colours frill on a white skirt!! u can wear that skirt with a white strapless of sleavless top!!!

    other options: u can make cute carrying bags with it too!!

  2. i've seen someone make a purse out of several scarves..but it would probly be hard to skirts a good idea though = ]

  3. If you have large square scarves, you can easily make a miniskirt out of them.

    I recommend cutting the large scarf into two halves, then pin the halves together with the side with the print on it facing inwards. This will allow you to adjust the size of your skirt around the top. Then, I hemmed the top of the skirt (where you made the cuts) to prevent it looking messy. I then sewed the top of the skirt to some thick elastic in a bright colour so that it would cling to my waist. It might be a little bit tricky, but I found that if you stretch the elastic and then pin it to the skirt and sew, it clings better. I hope that helps!  

  4. try making a quilt. Pillows are also a good idea. Not so sure about the skirt thing, but a bag would work.  

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