
I have tons of toys and clothes that I would like to donate to orphanages in Africa. How do I do this?

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I have contacted numerous charities, but none are willing to accept items, only cash. I've even tried to find a direct address to an orphanage. I'm willing to pay to ship these things. I just can't imagine so many children without toys or books while we have so much not even being used. Any ideas or leads would be great!




  1. There are a number of reasons charities won't accept these donations for delivery overseas:

    -- the amount of shipping these items overseas, paying customs, moving the items overland to needy children, etc., is MASSIVE. It's much more affordable to buy such items *locally*

    -- donating clothes takes money and jobs away from local people who are making and selling clothes.

    -- charities want to put their resources into what children in Africa really, really need: education, training and health care. Your donation isn't among the critical priorities for serving children in Africa.

    Look around *locally* for a charity that will accept toys and clothes.

  2. Call the Red Cross

  3. There is a great need in America for toys, maybe reconsider where to donate:-)

  4. The best way to help children in orphanges in Africa, and I can only speak from experience about South Africa--the cost of shipping your toys and clothes to South Africa is expensive but the recipients must pay to receive the items.  It's not like in the US, where you pay postage and the person receiving the package gets it in their mail box.  In order for someone to pick up a package from the post office, they must pay a fee--most poor people can't afford to pick up their packages/mail.

    If you would like to actually take your toys and clothes to South Africa to personally hand the items to children; I am coordinating a mission group on July 3 -12, 2008 to work with the people living in the squatter camps in Soweto (just outside Johannesburg).  You are welcome to join us.

    Another suggestion would be to sell your items on eBay and send the money to a non-profit agency that helps the poor in Africa.

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