
I have tonsilitis, is there any homeopathic way to treat this, or do I have to take over the counter drugs?

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I have tonsilitis, is there any homeopathic way to treat this, or do I have to take over the counter drugs?




  1. Hey bigestpimpin, this may not answer your question, but if it helps your decision, I had tonsilitis so often when I was younger that they ended up taking my tonsils out when I was 5 (something the doctors in Australia are really reluctant to do), but now because I was put on so many antibiotics prior to the operation, I am allergic to penicillin and some other ones - to the point where I stop breathing.

    It's worth seeing a natural therapist anyway, it certainly can't hurt. If you were to go that path, see somebody who is qualified, an all-rounder would be best, or a Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor.

    In the same way that some answerers don't believe in homeopathy, I am a real non-beliver in antibiotics and I believe for things like tonsilitis that they do more harm than good in developed countries.

    Good luck and take care (and try not to cough on anyone you love!)

  2. I just gargled with salt water.. a lot.

    and I sucked on some ice, too.

  3. Tonsillitis is an inflammation, typically caused by bacteria, although it can also be caused by a viral infection.  It is unlikely to be helped a great deal by OTC remedies.

    When it occurs in adults, it is generally a sign of a weakened immune system.  Taking echinacea and a diet of whole, unprocessed foods is thought to help.  Avoid tobacco, caffeine,  and alcohol.

    Recommended nutrients:

    Vitamin C


    Vitamin A

    Vitamin B complex

    Chamomile relieves fever, headaches and pain.

    Sage tea can be used as a gargle.

  4. You might want to try spraying your throat with watermelon frost. Avoid chocolate, cold drinks and oily food when you're having soar throat.

  5. Take colloidal silver 500ppm. It is a natural anti-biotic and will kill just about everything.


  6. First, tonsillitis just means swelling and inflammation of the tonsils.  It is usually caused by viruses, but sometimes may be bacterial ("strep throat") or even fungal. The only way to know for sure is be examined by a qualified practitioner (ie NOT a homeopath)  do a throat swab, and maybe a blood test to rule out mononucleosis (which is viral, but causes a more severe and prolonged illness as well)  

    So as viral conditions are self really only need to manage your symptoms while your bodies immune system deals with the infection.  Salt water gargles are helpful, as is sipping warm or cool fluids. Avoid acidic things like OJ as it can be irritating.

    Tylenol or Advil work well for the pain. Sprays and lozenges give temporary relief of the symptoms as well.

    Homeopathy is essentially non-treatment.  By definition, there is little or no active ingredient in homeopathic potion.  Since tonsilitis is a self limited illness, if you happen to take a homeopathic treatment at the worst of the illness (ie...just before you were about to get better anyway) you may mistakenly attribute the "cure" to homeopathy.  Ignoring the implausiblity of their claims in the first place, study after study after study has shown that homeopathy does not have an effect that is measurably greater than the placebo effect.  So for all intents and purposes, that is all it is.

    Save your money ((homeopathy is expensive !!) and you will get well in the same amount of time

  7. Homeopathic medicine will not treat this.  It may reduce any pain from it due to homeopathic medicine is a placebo.  

    See a (real) doctor.

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