
I have too much pain in my teeth so which medicine i take coz doctors say do root carnal plz?

by  |  earlier

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plz suggest some medicane name




  1. u can eat any pain killer medicine mm like...

  2. Take a garlic clove. And a bit of rock salt.

    Crush before putting in mouth.

    Place entire (or cut in half, depending on mouth size) garlic clove on affected area. Add rock salt.

    I have used this method time and time again, and usually it gets RID of the infection for me.

    Garlic has some extreme properties. One of those is Allicin, a compound with a powerful antibiotic ability that is released when garlic is crushed.

    Though crushed garlic is extremely potent, and may cause skin irritation if over-used.

    Another way to deal with tooth pain is soaking a cotton ball with Clove Oil, and applying it to the affected tooth.

  3. Do like this: take warm water add littel salt to it and gargle. This you can practice any number of times.  2. Buy Sensolin Tooth paste & take it a little with ur middle finger and massage gently on  same on gums  for two times i.e. once in morning and once in at bed time and brus the teeth with the same paste.  Do it for two or three days u wll find improvement. If the resluts r not positve after 4 r 5 days then only u go to dentist.

  4. Meftal  forte


    No pain killer will give permanent solution

    MUCOPAIN  will give relief, but your tooth is lost.

    CERAMIC or METAL cap is fixed over the tooth

    COST;-Rs3000/ for 3 sittings

    HOPE you will retain teeth wthout further waiting

  6. Paracetamol for the pain.

    If the dentist has not given you antibiotics, this means the dentist thinks it is unlikely the infection will go away. You will have to have the root canal

  7. unfortunately, if the pain is persistant u should follow ur dentist's advice and make root canal, ur case is simple now, later on it will be complicated if an abscess develops

  8. if you are an indian ,, you must knw abt castore oli..(divel)

    if you used to massage of  this oli in twice or thrice in a day..

    you wil definatly feel good..

    and it wil take time but surety of cure...

    take care

  9. u should take antibiotics and analgesics,provided u dont have allergies and go for rootcanal

  10. brush with special toothpaste eat allot of calcium and use clove oil on the tooth it is clinicly proven to help pain in tooth (pulpitis)

    absess tooth

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