
I have travelled to many countries,but only the British seem to like/want to que,any ideas?

by  |  earlier

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example, at my local tesco petrol station is always a que, i go a few minutes down the road to a BP station no que and better quality of petrol.




  1. Its a british tradition.

  2. Brits like order.

  3. well thats not true is it? petrol is maufactured to iso 9600... it has quality controls etc, tescos doesn't own any oil fields, neither do asda...

    they buy it from Shell/Texaco/BP...

    and to be British is to queue, we have patience, and we dont mind waiting our turn... everything comes to he who waits.

  4. Then keep shopping at BP!

  5. This ,my friend, is an example of British good manners !

  6. Queuing up is a time honored British tradition... it makes it easier for the shop keeper to wait on people when it's really their turn.... but then... eveyone instinctively KNOWS that and it's the way they've always done it.

    The thing I noticed about the Brits is, the same people who will quitely line up in a queue for who-knows-what... will also exhibit a passive aggressive bahavior when walking down the street... they will NOT deviate from their chosen straight line course between 2 points... I have actually come to a complete stop to see if the person coming towards me will walk around me and I have actually had them walk INTO me...

    Go figure.!

  7. its called being polite, taking your turn, thinking of the other Johnnie, always understating yourself and never causing a fuss. God invented queueing and gave it to the Brits first. unfortunately we had to queue up for the honour and everyone else got bored with waiting.

  8. You mean like the Americans qued up to come behind the UK in WW2 sorry just kidding,Seasons greetings to all.

  9. You mean queue, you know--line up.

  10. Not me.  If I've got to queue for it, I don't want it.

  11. You forgot to mention that the BP station charges 5p per litre more for fuel!!!

  12. I wish more people would queue - there is nothing worse than being first somewhere and then everyone crams in front of you to get whatever it is. There is nothing like a good queue its fairer for everyone.

    Unfortunately most people in Britain don't queue half as much as they used to say 15 years ago.

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