
I have tried goji juice as I m suffering from Hip arthritis.its helpful?

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I have tried goji juice as I m suffering from Hip arthritis.its helpful?




  1. Goji juice will make your wallet much lighter, so sitting on your wallet won't hurt as much.  Also, if you buy lots of goji juice, it will make the sellers of the juice much richer.

    But it won't reduce arthritis or help with pain.

  2. There is no evidence listed on Medline or the Cochrane database at all about goji juice.  This suggests there are no legitimate studies of its effectiveness.  The Cochrane group in particular is famous for looking at every study, not just the ones that demonstrate good science.

    The only information available is testimonials from people who want to sell goji juice, or multi-level marketing companies wanting you to become a seller of goji juice.

  3. I know more about it's competitor mangosteen juice.  XanGo has the patent on the original mangosteen juice with the whole fruit puree in the juice.  The whole fruit has more xanthones and antioxidants than most of the new things on the market.  There are several studies done and research findings that can be found if you look them up.  I have a pdf of the patent and some studies, but a regular search will find you a lot of info too.

    It's got more testimonies than anything else I've tried.  It's supposed to be very good for alzheimer's and arthritis because it helps reduce inflammation and pain.

  4. Goji juice is very high in antioxidants. All that c**p that it hasnt been proven to do anything is just that, c**p...they have plenty of scientific research and studies that back it up completely! Check it out for yourself Im not sure it will help with your joint pain, but it does have healthful benefits

    boy, a scientific study that says people with malignant melanoma, renal cell carcinoma, colorectal carcinoma, lung cancer, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, and malignant hydrothorax had a response rate of 40.9% of a little more research!!

    And a taste great and u only drink a little bit a day!

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