
I have tried to go to the council with this problem many times but to just hear they cant help.

by  |  earlier

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I live in a ground floor maisonette council, the upper floor is owned by an albainian couple, they have rented out all the rooms to tenents. now the living room up there is directly above my room and my sons room. they also have a wooden floor.

My problem is the council say my complaints are just about normal living noises. I don't agree. These people above work nights, they come home anywhere between 4am and 6.30am. when they come in im woken every single time. they put the washing machine on which is directly above my daughters bedroom waking her up. the bloke i presume walks around with shoes on for a couple of hours or so, dropping things walking continously. i know people have to walk but this vibrates through my bedroom, keeping me awake untill they actually go to bed themselves. when they drop something, it makes you jump from your sleep. it wakes my son sometimes and i have to get him back to sleep he is 6. and my husband has taken to sleeping downstairs so he is not disturbed. Im at my wits end. im getting tearful from it, being woken at these times and not being able to get back to sleep. they also put music on at 6.30am i actually could make out the singers and what the song is called. i know this is going to start making me depressed soon. we have spoken about the washing machine but this has made no difference to them. the landlord doesnt give a d**n. If there was carpet up there then this wouldnt be an issue.

am i wrong to moan, when it is upsetting everyones sleep everyday? this can't be right? I actually cried in bed the other morning at being woke again. Im sure there is very little if at all insulation under his wooden floor.

If it was rented out to just a couple, then again this wouldnt be happening, this is just becasue that living room is being used as a living area all the time.

Upstairs there are about 4 or 5 africans and one polish lady with a baby, i dont here her at all. they are heavy footed and talk very loud. they dont shut doors they slam them.

Im desperate, things in our home are just going to get worse, hubby is getting very angry and easily upset all the time. sleeping seperate, kids being woken, me being disturbed.

please what can i do?




  1. This may sound stupid, but record the sounds and keep a detailed log of the times and issues.  The only thing you can do is try to break your lease and move.

    I won't say these people aren't being rude, but look at it from their persepctive.  They are just living their lives.  They work odd hours, so doing normal things, like laundry at odd hours to you is what they have to do.  It may be annoying, but also try to be understanding.

    When they start playing music, go knock on their door and ask them to turn it down.  Heck, take your kid up there screaming so they can see it.  

    Have you tried talking to the tenants themselves?  Tell them how hard this is and how is actually hurting your family since you and your husband can't even sleep in the same room anymore.  Maybe if they understood how difficult things were for you, they would be more sympathetic.

    If that doesn't work, MOVE!!

  2. I'm sympathetic to your problem. Been there. You could try tacking sound blankets, moving blankets, or egg crate foam to the ceiling. Doesn't look pretty but it gets the job done.  

    Did you try talking to them before going to the council?  I'm a little Pollyanna I suppose but I truly believe most people don't try to be rude, if they knew how much it disturbed you they would probably be very nice about it. BUT if I knew my neighbor went to a council before talking to me about a problem they had with me, I'd probably be feeling pretty spiteful.

  3. IT appears your vexed by the common inconsiderate neighbor. Which seems to be a common place occurance. If the land lord hasn't purposely placed them there to drive you out...say if your in a rent controlled flat, I guess you can try talking to them and telling them they don't need to be playing music at 6:30 am. That isn't considered "normal" as far as i understand, but the only option might be to call the authorities. Many do that when music is too loud, but also when noise occures at peaceful hours. Although, that is kind of an unspoken 'law' of the land, which being abainians..they might not honestly understand.

    After you've determined the land lord isn't a snake and that you've tried the 'good neighbor' policy.

    You could maybe look into having spray insulation put into the overhead. There should be a vacant space between their floor and your ceiling. This area in old buildings in particular usually acts like a drum and makes even the smallest sound seem lounder. That might take a little pinging on your land lord, worse case is you might have to pay for the process yourself.

    Once you've tried these routes....maybe now its time to play nasty. They work too, they need sleep....perhaps its time to bang the pots and get into a routine noise regiment to make them feel your pain. Not to cause a war, but they might just be dense enough to not understand your pain. Perhaps they are crass and really do'nt care... so its time to make them live your life, in a sense.

    After all that, is moving an option ? Which comes back to the question, has the land lord wanted or asked you to move or mentioned it ?

    Either way, it doesn't seem like a quick fix. Making particular rooms more soundproof requires land lord permission and your own expense i'm sure to redo the walls and ceiling. GL

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