
I have trouble concentrating and i'm loosing motivation?

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i've worked very hard my junior year of highschool. i stayed up till 3 am studying and doing homework because i procrastinate too much. i am procrastinating this very second. i have one week until senior year of school and i need to finish a book, read another book, and do an essay.

i have NO motivation what so ever and no self control. i'm constantly on this site, AIM, and facebook. i did that my junior year too which is WHY i had to stay up so late to maintain A's in all of my classes. should i get tested for ADD? now since i'm a senior i have zero motivation because i've worked so hard previous years, but worked my hardest i ever worked junior year.

i want to be an advertising executive and go to a good college but i can't seem to focus on what's important in my life at the moment which is school! help!




  1. If you want to become an ad exec you are on the right path. ADD is almost a requirement to work in that kind of environment. Keep your wandering ways in check by remembering that even though you want to go into a very creative fly by the seat of your pants field you have to make it through your basics in college and score at least one decent internship before you can really be integrated into the career you've chosen. You're close, you've done a kick job so far but you're not done yet. See it through and work hard remembering all the while that when you are done you're going to be in an environment that you love for the rest of your working days.

    Good luck - stay focused for now!

  2. I think you might just need some more sleep. Tell your principle  that you are having trouble! Or one of your teachers! Have one day where you do nothing but fun and then you might feel better and refreshed!  

  3. dont worry. lots of people have that my self.

    if it really gets bad..delete facebook this and aim. & just remember...nothing ever falls in your lap, so if u want to get into a  good school and do good things, you have to work hard...sorry, but its the truth:/ && it sucks!

  4. when im losing sights of my motivation i think to myself the positive outcome of hard work.when you work hard in school you become a human of more knowlage and with knowlage you slowly get a good job and a great future.just relax and keep it up =)

  5. you need some sleep and a break from some of the stimuli that may be blocking you. At your age you are excited for graduation and cramming for exams.  a social life is part of it too and add a girl/boyfriend on top and you are burning the candle at both ends.  Make a list of priorities and be realistic.  Diet can help in part of this madness because sugar was something that was causing a brain drain.  Hopefully you don;t drink any alcohol, if you do please quit. that is out of the way and lets get to stress and this is my advice as a perpetual student. Eat light and avoid sugar and caffiene after 3pm and cloister yourself to bed by 10:00 PM  for a week.  Get up at 5:00 AM and avoid sugar and caffiene by 3pm  Use sugar substitutes if needed.  You should be able to wake up on time and keep it a ritual.  I turn off my phone and everyone that knows me never bothers me at bedtime.  You take care and assert yourself!

  6. Wow, this sounds like a younger me, really! Here is what I would suggest. Go talk to your counselor. I did not take advantage of this in high school and I had some trouble (still having some) with procrastination at college. Tell her/him your troubles and what they could do to help, like set up a schedule. You don't have to have drastic problems to talk to a counselor. And yes, it is quite normal to be  lazier your senior year but if this has been progressing you should try to do something about it since it will only get worse. So go and talk to your counselor.

    The internet was my biggest issue as to why I didn't get things done. There is so much cool stuff to explore that is burns up time so quickly. I know this might be hard but try to ignore it/force yourself to have only an hour or two on it. And do your homework first. I used to always say, oh, I have so much time left today, I'll do it later or pull an all-nighter. But this will only hurt you. Go to the library, barnes and noble, or coffee shop and do your work there and do not bring your computer. Print out or take notes what you need from the computer but don't have it on you.

    I also started losing motivation my senior year and when I got to college it continued. I thought it would be like hight school all over again and that I'd start out strong. But no. It just continued. So try to get help from the counselor or teachers. Better yet, talk to both if you feel comfortable.

    Also, one final piece of advice, take it easy. This may seem contradictory but it's ok to let something slip once or twice. I thought high school grades were everything but I was totally wrong. They are important but more important is getting a good study routine down so that you can use it in college without feeling burnt out and unmotivated. Scan your books, take bits and pieces and see if you can get away with that. If you are in a time crunch like now, don't do so much of a throurough job. You don't need all A's senior year. Trust me. The kids who got Cs and Ds got into the same school as I did.

    College is a blank slate. High school is practically forgotten. It's here where your work starts using the skills you have gained in high school. But to be successful, you need to find a balance. Success is not just good grades, but also growing as a person and adding experiences to life.

    So ask your counselors and teachers for help whenever you need it. Asking for help is not a bad thing, even if you come back to them a second time if you see yourself following your old path. It will be better for you because you are fixing things rather than letting them get worse. Hope I helped!

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