
I have trouble socializing? anyone else feel like this?

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i dont knw what to say how to stand i dont know there body language i often look slightly depressed but have tried not too and i think im doing well

ive never been good with making friends and even if i do there not ones that wanna be with me a lot (apart from one in primary school but we grew apart) liek they invite me out every knwo and then but not a lot i dunno wht im doing wrong im not mean etc and when i do go out i feel s bit uncomfortable because i hate my legs but even when i was little i still had a lot of trouble

does anyone else feel liek this




  1. That's not what this category is about.

    Also, yes, many feel this way.  I felt that way into my early twenties.

  2. people are just out of touch these days.

  3. i used to feel like that when i was younger, but then i started to become more confident. When u stand with confidence and pride, people will talk to u more.

    i used to be VERY shy, and did not talk a lot.

    but now that im in highschool i realize people are not worried about you so dont try to impress anyone. People will like you when you just act yourself and love yourself, think of all the good things about you, think of how lucky you are to have things in your life.

    Just be yourself, stand tall and me! once you start doing this the friends will come to you, more boys will come to you (they like confident girl), and you will feel better about yourself.

  4. Start liking yourself better and others will like you more. And always remember this: "They won't remember what you said or what you did, but they will always remember how you made them feel. "

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