
I have trouble turning off my mind when I am trying to sleep...?

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When I go to bed at night I always have trouble turning off my mind. I rethink things again and again and have the replay in my head. It is almost like I have no control, like a movie is playing in my brain and it won't turn off. Especially bad things or embarrassing things that have happened to me, I over think them and replay till I can't take it. I don't know what to do anymore. Anyone have any tips besides going to therapy or taking some kinda of drug. I am thinking about seeing a counselor just to get some stuff out, but before I do that anyone have any tips?




  1. I have the same problem.

    You might actually be stressed out and when your sleeping or trying to sleep you just replay the past. You probably might want to see a therapist (sorry but i think you should) because you might be having trouble talking about, what you really need is someone to speak to. You might just feel a heavy load fall from your shoulder after talking and might fall asleep.  

  2. I have the same issue.

    Personally I try to take a warm bath before bed and I drink none caffeinated warm tea with honey.

    If my mind just won't shut up after an hour of tossing and turning in bed I will get up and curl up on the couch and read for a while, typically an hour, and then I will try again.

    I also count from 1 to 100 over and over, sometimes this helps because i am forced to focus on something else that has strict repetition, but this does not ALWAYS work.

  3. i have the same problem.

    what usually helps me is going for a long run or listening to some classical or soothing music or sometimes i write down what's bothering me/ what i'm thinking about

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