
I have trouble with a live-in Aunt...Please help me!? Please! I really need help!?

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My Aunt Pam lives with my mom, sister and I, since see cannot afford a home, even food. My mom has provided her with a room, food, cell phone, T.V. with a DVR, even access to a computer. I have many disagreements with her and my mom appreciates my situation, but she won't kick her out since she would have no where to go. I have accepted this. My latest problem is that whenever I tape shows on our DVR which goes to two T.V.s, she deletes and/or stops it from recording. I have missed many shows this way, and I am a bit sick of missing my favorite shows. My mom talks to her about this, but by the time she does its besides the point and I end up watching the show on my computer. Please help me!




  1. Do you have a grandmother? If you do she might need help around her house....and your aunt could help her...and she would be able to live there, eat,etc..

    ADD: look up homes she can stay at or something....or just tell her you are really sick and tired of her deleting your shows and that your mom said if she didn't quit she would kick her out on her a$$....idk sorry

  2. Lighten up.  At least you can watch most of your shows on the computer.  Make the best of it.  Quit sweating the small stuff, you'll make yourself miserable.

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