
I have trust isses with guys...they tend to lie.?

by  |  earlier

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Why do guys lie knowing they'll get caught in the end?




  1. Your right on girl.   I have never met a guy that didnt lie.   I dont know why they do unless they aree trying to impress you or someone else.  Maybe they think with something besides there brain.  From now on a guy has to earn my trust.  I dont just give it to them.  They either lie, are controlling,  hit on you, or are lazy.  I dont know the answer but I have experienced it..

  2. I don't know.  Why do women lie?  Why does anyone lie? All it does is hurt relationships and ruin the liers credibility.  Men don't have the market cornered on lying.

  3. Not all guys lie.  

  4. Hun that is by far the age old question now isn't it. There's never a for certain answer to it. Guys lie, sadly it's true, and some of them tend to over do it. At the time they don't process in their head of the possibility of getting caught, all they think of is a quick way to get themselves out of trouble for the moment. Sure us girls catch them for it later, but I mean things happen and you can't always stop them from happening, so catch him later for it and learn from his mistakes so you can catch him for another one later on even faster than this time.

  5. guys lie because they're stupid. dont put up with that sh*t. someone like that isn't worth your time.  

  6. Because the wrong head is doing all the thinking.

  7. ok here it goes

    not all guys lie and i can ask the same thing to girls except not all girls lie. there is no real reason to have trust issues, when there is a guy you can be friends with them and build your trust for the guy that way or date the guy and build your trust that way.  

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