
I have turtels,but the water is blurry or dirty or somthing but i have a filter too.ADVICE

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My turtles are nice and stuff but i dont know why the water is dirty and i have a filter.I ned help.




  1. Try cleaning your filter and replacing with a new fresh one.

  2. Turtles make big messes, especially if you feed them in the same tank they live in, as they p**p when they eat.  Filters are not good enough, and water changes must be made often.

  3. Make sure not to overfeed or feed them any canned foods, this may be the cause.  Turtles should only be fed every couple of days, or every other day depending on their size.  Reptiles and amphibians are not like most pets, they don't need to be fed daily or more than once a day, it isn't how they feed in their natural environment.

    Definitely change your filter and possibly add an air stone to the water.  This keeps the water circulating and I have found that most turtles enjoy the bubbles.  

    Hope I could help! =]

  4. if the water is blurry/cloudly go to your local pet shop and get this stuff that stops water in the tank gettin blurry/cloudly!

  5. change the filter and the water and there toys or rocks or whatever you have for them!

  6. it sounds like its time to change your filter. i would change the water too. go to a local pet store and see if you need to treat the water with anything.

  7. Turtles are VERY dirty animals...they produce a lot of waste. You need to upgrade your filter if you want to clear up the water....Rinse your filter media often and do large water changes 2 or 3 times a week....good luck.

  8. over feeding can cause the water to get blurry looking. If you have a good filter system it will clear up in a day or two.

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