
I have two, really painful bumps on my face?

by  |  earlier

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they are like the size of a biggish zit, but they are hard, and they really really hurt to touch. one is on my temple, and one is by my nose.

what are they, and when will they go away, or what can i do to get rid of them?




  1. those r still zits..theres like a bunch of different kinds of zits...and those tend to take a week or 2 to go away since they're like big and red and normally deep...just keep cleaning it

  2. get the proactive mask thing. reallly good for stuff like that. put a lil bit on it b4 you go to sleep. if its still there and still tender. do it again.

    good luck!

    i hate those. lol

  3. um sounds like a pimple

  4. lol it looks like you a in-growin zit if you really want to take them out take a needle and pop them otherwise leave it alone they would go away by itself

  5. It's a kind of acne called a Nodule or a Cyst. They are large and usually very painful. Nodules are inflamed, pus-filled lesions lodged deep within the skin. Nodules develop when the contents of a comedo have spilled into the surrounding skin and the local immune system responds, producing pus. The most severe form of acne lesion, nodules may persist for weeks or months, their contents hardening into a deep cyst. Both nodules and cysts can sometimes leave deep scars, so DO NOT try to squeeze it or you are going to do some damage to your skin and what's left will look worse than the actual zit!!!

    Try putting a warm compress on it for about about 15-30 minutes a 2-3 times a day. Wash your face and use a benzoyl peroxide acne treatment over it twice a day. It will take a couple days but then it will eventually start to get smaller & go away.

  6. They probably are just acne.  If you have a lot of redness around the diameter of the area that continues to increase and if it becomes extremely painful and tight, you may want to think about seeing a doctor or have someone you know look at it to get their opinion.  There is a very small chance that it could be a cyst (abscess).  

  7. they are probably pimples just wash your face with a mild soap a few times a day until they dry out enough to either pop them or until they go away this could take anywhere from 2 days to a week don't waste your money on pimple cream it just doesn't work and it gets to be expensive just use soap and if your face is dry get some facial lotion make sure its facial lotion and not hand or body lotion as they can cause you to break out more. but dry skin can cause you to get pimples and since its summer time that's probably what has happened to you

  8. it is probably a zit thats still forming

    put some high strength acne cream or even just neosporin on it and wait it out

    when it gets a head, pop it.

  9. seriously?

    they probably are pimples.

    the only way that i would say its probably wierd is if theyve been there for more than 2 full weeks.

    if they still havent like, came to a head, you can try putting a realllllly hot wash cloth on your face, over and over. it will help.

    also try burts bees "blemish stick" or "tee trea stick"


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