
I have two 4 month old mastiff's. whats the best pet food. As bakers pet food don't agree with them

by Guest60782  |  earlier

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I have two 4 month old mastiff's. whats the best pet food. As bakers pet food don't agree with them




  1. What does their breeder recommend - they should have the experience to which is the best food for them

  2. What country are you in?

    Obviously, not all food is available in all countries.

    If you're in the UK, Pets At Home has a nutrition centre that has the best quality food for dogs in- I'd suggest Wainrights Large Breed Turkey and Rice, or PAH Large Breed Puppy Food.

    If you don't, I can't suggest a food by brand, but you need a large breed, puppy age dog food, with high quality/quantity meat in it. Make sure the ingredients are meat MEAL, not meat derivatives- meat meal is edible meat from a human grade animal, whereas derivatives are bits of the animal that humans can't and won't eat like testicles etc., and I'd suggest a minimum of 40% meat in it, for it to be a good quality food.

    Some foods to avoid if you can-

    Bakers; Pedigree; Butchers; Beta.

    Not for any moral reasons, but because of low quality ingredients and changing recipies. For example, Pedigree Chicken food doesn't contain chicken in its' recipie- it contains 'poltry'. That's duck, turkey, chicken...etc. etc. And one week there may be more turkey and the dog will love the taste, and then a week later there's more duck and the same dog turns its' nose up.

    Due to this changing recipie, dogs can appear 'fussy' and 'difficult'.

  3. Check out this website:

    I just found it. It has consumer reviews on all types of dog food.

  4. Whenever you go shopping for dog food, always check the ingredients before you take a bag home.

    The first two ingredients should be some kind of meat, or meat meal.  If the food has corn, or wheat in the first five ingredients, choose another brand.  Corn is a cheap filler ingredient that is hard for dogs to digest, and gives little nutritional benefit.  Wheat is also difficult for dogs to digest.  Barley and oats are excellent.

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