
I have two Canadian children. I was a landed immigrant but left the country years ago. How do I get back in?

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I was born in Germany to parents who became landed immigrants. I never married my childrens' mother and have been in Greece for 15 years. Can I apply for landed immigrant status, pr status or citizenship?




  1. Did your children get citizenship through their mother being a Canadian citizen?  Since you never married your children's mother and have been away for 15 years, I can't imagine you are exactly welcome in that quarter.  Did you provide child support or act as a father in any way toward them?  In short, do you have a genuine loving relationship that they would want you back badly enough to sponsor or support a new immigration application?

    Your landed immigrant status is probably long gone as "abandoned."  This means you would have to qualify to start an application process from scratch and fulfill all requirements under current law.  Immigration Canada website has a test you can take to see if you might have enough points to apply for immigration (having enough points to submit an application does not mean you will be accepted).

    You will have to take your prior landed immigrant documents to the Canadian consulate in Greece and see what your status is.  You have to get official word from the government, not the opinions of laypeople or even lawyers.

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