
I have two Nintendogs questions...?

by  |  earlier

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First: I often put my DS on "sleep mode", where I leave the game running and close the DS. I was wondering if this is bad for the dogs. Do they get hungry and thirsty while it's on sleep mode but not when the DS is off?

Also, sometimes when I take my dogs for walks I see them walk by a gift box that's on the ground but they pass it so quickly that I can't get it. Is there any way to train them to pick up these gifts or stop them and go back and get them?





  1. when they walk over the gift box i usually yank back on the leash if they're running and they'll stop and get it, or you just don't run too fast (walk) over it and they'll usually get it

  2. First: They might get hungry on sleep mode depending on how long you keep it there. Also they get hungry if you turn the DS off too.

    Second: Look up at the top screen,if the dog on the top is stopping but your dog is still walking it is a possibility that it is a present  so you can know to make your dogs stop running. To stop them pull the lease to make them stop.


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