
I have two annoying little sisters and another on the way i get lamed for everything help?

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i have 6 and 4 year old sisters and my mum is pregnant we just found out its a girl!!! but only one problem there are going to be 12 years between me and my baby sister i already get blamed for everything already but with three sisters it will be even worse .help me please it is due in october and i need help before then thanks to everyone who awnsers!!




  1. Just remember you are older and well sadly s**t happens.

    There are 10 years between my sister and I get over it eventually. I don't think the age range really matter when it comes to getting blamed it just kinda works that way when you are the oldest.

  2. Hey

    I'm 19 and I have 3 younger sisters aged 17, 8 and 6

    i absoultely love my sisters me and my sister who is 8 are like best friends, we have an 11 year age gap!

    you should be so thankful that you are going to have 3 sisters i know how lucky i am and i absolutely love them all!

    maybe you should offer to help your mum out a little bit, offer to take your 2 sisters to the park or something and then your mum will see you are helping out and maybe wont blame you for as much. especially  when your new sister is born she will want all the help she can get.

    so good luck!

  3. aweeeeeeee.. i feel for you , i was once in your shoes, sisters do get more into fights, and parents always tell the older ones to co operate more because somehow we're suppose to know better... anyhow let me assure you one thing though, the age you are at, it's very common to feel that , it happens to almost everybody and you know by the time you have graduated high school or even 2nd year in college/uni , your sisters might become like friends to you. it's an age thing you're going through, i still encourage you to talk to your parents , alone, let them know how you feel instead of keeping things bottled up inside. wish you alllll the best... xox

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