
I have two eyelashes UNDER my eye and it is very painful. How can i get it out without going to the doctor?

by  |  earlier

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I've tried everything! I've tried washing my eye with a cup of water, i tried squirting eye drops into my eye but nothing works!!




  1. Close your eyes and it should move in (towards the nose) they rub your eyes towards your nose and it should come out

  2. What do you mean UNDER your eye?! Lol, are you REALLY sure theyre eyelashes? it might be a pimple. yes its possible. its happen to me before. u might wanna go to the eye doctor and get it checked out...Good Luck. =]

  3. uhh do it like you would with contacts

    actually idk about that...see a professional

  4. i would just go to the doctor, its the best thing to do and if you keep messing with your eye you could damage it or it could get infected :s

  5. Keep washing with water.  Put eyedrops in and lay down for a while.  If you still feel like there's something there you may have scratched your eye.  This too shall pass.  If you still have alot of discomfort within a day or too, see a dr.

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