
I have two female cats and..?

by  |  earlier

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one is the mom of the other one. the baby cat isn't too old but her two other siblings already ran away. these cats were strays before. anyways i started feeding them and the mom was fine with the kitten until about a week ago when she started hissing and growling at her kitten. i know that this is what the mom cat is supposed to do because the kitten is old enough to be on its own, but i want to keep both the mom and baby. does anyone know how long the mom will act this way to her kitten? i'm getting worried the kitten will run away or won't get enough to eat because it almost always only comes out to eat when the mom is eating too but the mom keeps hissing at it. also i'm pretty sure the kitten just likes the comfort of the mother and isn't going to her because she's trying to get her milk because the kitten eats solid food already




  1. I have a mama and baby cat as well, the rest of the litter was given away to people in my community.  

    My mama cat never hissed at her babe though, she has always been very motherly in bathing her and playing.. well.. play fighting anyways... they seem to wrestle a lot on occasion, and the fur does actually fly.  

    I did have my mama cat spayed though, I don't know if that makes a difference in temperament, but I have heard that it does.  

    Your mama cat may be doing what instincts direct. Survival means being able to support yourself, even if that means shunning your off spring in order to secure attentions and food supply for yourself.

    I'm wishing you luck in this, because it seems mama cat wants the baby cat to go off on it's own to find a new home, so she will not have to compete for attentions or a food source.

  2. feed them separately. i have a mom cat and her 3 boys. long story how i ended up with the 4. anyway, she doesn't have much to do with them. the boys all get along. i have gotten all 4 fixed.

  3. i think i know how to get them should for example play with both of them at the same time

    you should put their food bowls next to each other...that way the kitten will be happy and the mother will get back to normal with her kitten!!

  4. trap them both and have them spayed. she is not hissing because it is time for the kit to move on, she is hissing because she is likely in heat or is already pregnant again. I fed a feral queen and her 2 daughters for well over a year and the mom never ran them off. in fact, I have all 3 trapped in my garage waiting until I can get them spayed *LOL* it's not as bad as it sounds, they have carpeting, furniture, air conditioning, and toys. plus all of the food and fresh water they need.

  5. hi i have a mom and a baby cat and got rid off the others to friends and my mom cat goes for her off spring the kitten is a male but if yours is not neutered she could be pregnant again and she telling your kitten to keep away if she is she will let the other kitten near again after she has settled down put her food dish together and make sure they feed at the same time everyday and they should get along again my kitten only comes out to eat and she eats with her mom kittens are known to hide more when they are little i dont always see my kitten alday and night depends on the kitten mood so dont worry they will get along in the end give the mother time to adjust if she is pregnant if she isnt then get her and kitten spayed gud luk

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