
I have two four month old kittens(female) and one of them always licks people constanty how can i stop her

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i dont want them liking me or other people because cats bathe themselves and l**k their buts and each others buts and i dont want them l*****g anyone!!! thats gross!!




  1. she is just curious, she will grow out of it soon because she wont be interested in the habit when she is an older cat.  

  2. DONT USE SPICY STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...    go to petsmat and get "bitter apple"  it GROSS tasting spray some on you and pretty soon she will stop im a vet so i know    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE  DONT USE SPICY STUFF IT COULD KILL A CAT AT THAT AGE

  3. Here is a suggestion:

    Put something  sour  or spicy or anything the kitten might not like on your arm

    let it l**k you

    maybe it will be so disgusted with the stuff you put on yo ur skin

    it won't l**k ppl anymore  lol


  4. l**k it back and see how it likes it? Just kidding.

    Don't hit it or yell at it because its only a kitten.

    My cat does this to and I simply get up whenever it licks me and walk away no making eye contact and soon he learned I didn't like it.

    It may take some time but it's worth it if you really want it to stop.  

  5. you can break a lot of bad habits with a simple spray bottle of water!

    a fine mist spray works well. when it starts to l**k, just give it a little spray. It won't take long for it to stop that.

  6. Well, at least, l*****g is better than biting!  Everytime she licks the person, the person should ignore her and gently push her away. (No cooing and kissing back.)

  7. Check she does not have diabetes  or a salt deficiency  with the vet first. I know that may sound drastic but its a matter of a blood test . Its the salt in our sweat that animals like and she could be be using human salt like a medicine like eating grass. if you find that the vet gives her the all clear and she still keeps l*****g try buying some of that stuff you put on childrens nails to stop them bitting them as its harmless if licked and place on the bits of your skin that she keeps going for.

  8. I had one who did that.

    I tried putting something very spicy on. Tried giving him salt spools (thinking he might have been after the salt in sweat). I tried tapping his nose. Nothing worked.

    Eventually, I'd just pull away when he'd started to l**k the skin away.

    I sure do miss him after having him l*****g me for 16 years...

  9. why?  that's a sign of affection!

    Would you rather have her sinking her teeth into people?

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