
I have two minpins that will be taking a 20 hr roadtrip with me. ?

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I have taken one of them before (loved it!), however, the other has never been on this trip because I didn't have her yet. She doesn't do very well in the car. She's an extremely hyper and vocal dog under normal circumstances. A friend who works at a vet suggested giving her over the counter benadryl (1mg per pound). She is 10lbs so I plan to portion the dose accordingly but I'm curious to know if there are any side effects to giving her the benadryl? She recommended only giving it twice a day (but I don't plan to give it to her EVERY day)

Any advice or experiences of your own would be greatly appreciated! Thank you




  1. Yes, we do that with my pup and always have!

    Before the trip (30 min before) crush up a benedryl and put it in her water/wet food and they will eat it without even knowing!! I would suggest maybe half the pill in the morning before you hit the road, and the other half in the middle of the first day. That should do you just fine. Also, we learned with our pup to give him a blankly to lay on since we don't feel the need to put them in crates the entire time.. I hope i help (:

  2. we live in a place with lots of WEEDS.. achooo...

    and we have given our little dogs Human OTC allergy meds...

    at DR. rx rates.. including Benedryl.. with no problem.

    but as with all meds keep an eye on them the first time you give it to them... might want to do it BEFORE the trip to make sure they don't have any adverse reactions/side effects.  IF they did better to find out at home with a vet a phone call and quick drive away than onthe road

  3. i have a small 9 pound dog and we had  to use benadryl on our road trip to san diego (we live in washington) she was fine most of the time except when she needed to goto the loo

  4. Make sure that the benedryl doesn't have a decongestant in it.  On road trips, we leave early in the morning when it is still dark out. That way our dogs go right to sleep and  have quite a bit of travel time before the sun comes up.  We also take potty breaks at schools or parks, but not at gas stations because it is too noisy.  We bring lots of blankets and pillows for them to sleep on, so if they have to move around a little in travel they will be comfortable.  Bring plenty of bottled water for them.  I am not sure what hotels allow pets any more.  

  5. That's the same dosage my vet recommended for my Min Pin's allergies, so you should be safe giving her that amount.  I asked my vet about side effects, he said drowsiness was really the only likely side effect and that "In a Min Pin, it probably would not even be noticeable".  I would guess that Benadryl, for a dog as high energy as a Min Pin, probably is not going to have as much of a tranquilizing effect as you would hope.  Give it a trial run now and see how she does.  You may want to make a visit to the vet and talk about alternatives if the Benadryl is not doing what you hope.  

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