
I have two questions about FN Herstal guns.

by Guest67108  |  earlier

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First, does anyone know about the FN Five-Seven? Anyone own and shoot it? I was thinking about getting one, but it doesn't seem to be quite as popular as Glocks and stuff, is there a reason? Also, can civilians buy the Fn F2000 Tactical, and if so, can you get it rechambered for a better round them the 5.56x45mm NATO?l




  1. I bought the FNH Five-Seven a few months ago.  After looking at the stats and watching a few youtube videos of it, I was sold.  I had been in the market for a pistol for home protection for a while.

    It is made by the same company that makes most of the small arms for the US military, so I felt that I was getting good quality.  The magazine capacity is wonderful, and it handles beautiful - follow up shots are great.  Everything is right where you want it with very little extra to get in the way.

    After buying it, I have come to really hate the cartriage.  The idea was the bridge the gap between the .223 and the 9 mm.  It seems very underpowered - even by handgun standards.  Also, the selection of bullets seem very, very limited.  We cannot buy all the ones listed on thier website.  Another down side is that it costs about $10 to fill up the magazine; 250 rd are selling for a little over $100.  

    Due to the cost of the ammunition, I have not been able to get in the practice that I want.  An hour and a half at the range will set me back three figures.  Simply put, it costs too much to shoot.  If you are able/happy to have the added expense and are not going to use it for personal protection, you should get one.  They really are fun to shoot.

    About the F2000, FNH makes a civilian version called FS2000 Tactical that is chambered in 5.56x45.  It looks like it will set you back $2,800 including FFL transfer fees.  I am not sure what the suggested retail is.

  2. Q: I have two questions about FN Herstal guns.

    A: Well lordy, I do own an FN-Herstal 5.7x28mm.  Its a great shooter with even higher ammo capacity than the venerable Glock but...  The round is really minisule.  It is about a .23 caliber and really high speed and far reaching but what's to shoot with it?  It is too small for hunting anything but small vermin.  There is practically no recoil impulse but it is kinda loud, say as loud as a Glock Model 26 w/service ammo.  

    I don't know about the FN F-2000 or if it can be rechambered for 5.56x45 NATO as I don't own this one.

    For defensive purposes I do prefer my Glock Model 20 10mm w/night sights and hi cap mags.  The 5.7 does hold more ammo but the 10mm is far more versitile.

    Good luck.


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