
I have two tennis issues?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, first thing, is it right to believe that you ae so much better playing singles matches than playing doubles?

and, does the other doubles partner affect your game? how?

I really want to play singles, but the high school format says that i have to pass through the doubles level. Should I ask my coach if I can play singles, since i just dont think im not as good at doubles?





  1. I enjoy singles more than doubles.  Yes, you can lose because of your partner.  Doubles can be harder - and for me, not as much fun. But part of high school sports (my son is on the high school tennis team - and has to play doubles) is to pay your dues, contribute to the team and get better.  Don't complain to the coach because that is kind of a bad attitude.  Just work your butt off and show the coach on the court how good you are.  Your turn will come and you can play singles and show your stuff!!  Also, coaches have a very hard job - most of the kids think they should be higher on the ladder than they are and the coach has to juggle priorities and also let everyone get a shot.  Enjoy yourself!! I wish I had been on the high school tennis team!  Hope this helps - you sound like a great player who will become very, very good over time because you enjoy it so much.

  2. Doubles can actually be easier, so try it since it builds teamwork. Coordination with your partner is key. To trip the enemy up, hit down the center line to confuse them(since each person thinks the partner will get it). Also vary your shots to keep them off guard.

  3. Im on a hs team also.. a freshman. And since I havent been playing tennis for a long time I play doubles. I play so much better at singles because my doubles partner messes up a lot!!

    I know that I shouldnt feel angry or get pissed of at my partner so I hide it.. She misses all the points and double faults and hits the balls out. The opponents are smart. They aim the ball towards her instead of me.

    Singles well you have to be good. My coach told me I would be playing singles next year so Im happy. Its better not to rush these things with the coach. He knows your level best and knows how well you play. I suggest to ask him about it but dont be s****.,bratty or overpush it. Just breifly mention it.

    I suggest that over the summer get a private coach or go to tennis camps or some sort of tennis program and get so amazingly good that your coach would not deny you for a singles postion. And I know how your feeling!! I hate playing doubles because whenever my partner misses a point I get frusturated and cant consentrate on the game.

    Good Luck With Your Singles Situation !

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