
I have unlimited text-messaging and im wondering if it costs me when i voted on the kentucky derby....?

by  |  earlier

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i usually dont ever respond to those things, but i thought it was alright if i did since i have unlimited texing, but after i sent about 5 i wasnt sure wat 'standard rates' and 'other charges may aplly' meant............... (please respond)




  1. it costs money!

  2. It just means that if your texting costs a dime a text, it will cost you a dime to vote one time.

    If you have unlimited, you should be fine, unless it said something along the lines of "99 cents per vote" or "a dollar per vote" or something like that.

    I'm thinking, legally, companies have to state wether you texting in a vote will cost you an extra amount of money, along with the regular amount you pay for a text.

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