
I have very bad neighbours, the don't feed their dogs, they let their dogs into our garden,?

by  |  earlier

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their children constantly abuse and swear at us, their children also go in groups with other children and vandalise things in the street, they have broken most of our fence, is there something i can do ???? I need contact information fast




  1. Depending where you live and the laws that are in place will decide what you can do.  Firstly, if there is a leash law, then you could contact the animal control officer regarding the dogs being loose.  Also, if they look sickly, you could again contact animal control.  

    Swearing - that's a hard one but it is against the law to vandalize things.  You could call your local law enforcement regarding this matter.

  2. call animal control or the police to get the owners cited.

  3. If they're renting, you can report it to their owner. If not, might as well contact the police since they ARE vandalizing.

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