
I have very little cash how can i live in spain?

by  |  earlier

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i hate living in n. ireland and want away as soon as pos




  1. become a rent boy ,////////////////////////

  2. You can easily work in a language school teaching English.

    If you are a native speaker, you won't have any problem.

  3. You cannot.

  4. Sleep in some old abandoned vehicle,if you have cash buy food at markets,if not rummage through bins at back of restaurants, better still wait until you can afford to go.

  5. On the streets in a cardboard box, selling yourself. But do you hate Ireland that much?

  6. Stay where you are. You need plenty of cash even hostals are not cheap to live in. Flights mightbe cheapo but not accommodation.

    I live in spain so I should know!!

  7. You can live temporarily in youth hostels. Find a job, maybe see if you can hook up with a roommate and find a flat and split the rent.

  8. take up bull fighting

  9. my mum went over there with nothing rented an apartment then did bar work an cleaning those are the best jobs or u could be a rep or an air hostess and c the world

  10. Tried it a few years ago. I suppose you should rule out all the big cities and go to some coastal town. I stayed 6 months and couldn't find a job. I was lucky that I was looking after a friend's flat so I had no rent to pay. For food it was OK if you went to open markets. Anyway, give it a go! The flights are cheap and its better to try and fail than to regret you didn't do it later on. If you're outgoing and young , you'll always find a job in a bar or something. Go for it!

  11. it will be difficult without a job. If you have a house in N Ireland you could potentialy use the income from letting it out. If you are happy to go to another country have you thought about india?

    Approx £20,000will buy a good 2 bed apartment, and you can live on less than £500 pm (and many do it for a lot less)

    Good luck

    PS you need to be a resident in India for 182 days to buy property, or can set up a business which can take 8 weeksand cost about £700

  12. You cant'

  13. Pick fruit - and learn how to make Croquetas! They are the Future, and they are cheap to make

  14. duno

  15. with difficulty

  16. Try looking for work in Air Lingus they operate in madrid. THe airline jobs are easy to get in madrid. I recommend you save about 2-2500 euro.  You can rent a room in Madrid the capital for about 300 euro a month if you check out

    Look of Alquilar Pisos compartidos thats rooms with others its the cheapest.  Then buy a ticket and fly over.  Stay at a hostel for the time it takes you to find a place (i found a shared room for me and my wife for 400 a month, and then moved out right after a month) you can find them cheaper if you look.  Look for food at the DIA supermarkets, its okay and the cheapest place to shop.  Stay out of the markets they know you are foreign and you will get ripped off.  

    Then get a lot of resumes ready to go, try to translate to spanish if you can, but the airports sometime take english resumes.  Simply come here and start looking.  You can buy a subway pass for 38 euro a month, unlimited riding, youll need if for job hunting and interviews.  

    It just takes a little cash, a dream, and no fear.

    I moved to Madrid with my wife in April, from ltaly, now she works at the airport, and I work with a businessman doing import export. We moved with 3500 euro and I spent about 1500 before we started making income. The wages are low here like 1000 if you work for someone.

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