
I have very naturally dark hair and pale skin with?

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green eyes and am totally fed up... are there any other women like me who get comments all the time (this is relating to England) from men and women that I m seriously ugly, sharp looking and must dye my hair to look like this. I just don't understand why people can't accept others as they are and who don't conform to the ideal? I just find it amazng as I don't go up to people and say things like that ! And going abroad, no-one seems to think me strange for looking a bit gothic. You forget about it an then someone comes up to you and tells you you're a gothic again... do people not realise it's hurtful?




  1. your not the only one. I'm so pale! except in the summer, as I'm part italian. my eyes and hair are like yours too. ive never had anyone tell me i was ugly, or think i was goth. personally, i like the way i look. not many people at my school do.

    don't let those people get you down. everyone is beautiful in there own way.

    X's & O's


  2. I look the same, dark hair and extremly pale skin, and people assume Im gothic,emo w/e.

    I usually tell people thats its natural, but they still doubt it

    you just have to learn to ignore it.

  3. you sounnd really really pretty! no joke, im so envious, i'd kill for green eyes!

  4. I have the same problem, except my eyes are not green they are dark brown. Everyone keeps on saying I should dye my hair red or blonde, it's like, whats wrong with me now?

  5. Im the exact same, dark dark brown hair, pale skin and green eyes. Even my best friend say I look depressed. She says I should tan so it doesn't look so weird. Her and other people are always saying I look goth. This girl on my bus said (when I was sick, my brother told me this) that I could be emo if I wasn't such a wimp. I don't know where she get the wimp from but anyways, I hate it. I haven't been called ugly but the goth and emo and depressed garbage really bugs me.

  6. tehy r just bunch of jealous jackass stereotypes, they dont know better

  7. they say youre ugly?

    whats that about!!

    you sound super pretty to me :]

    and i know what you mean actually...i live in england too and i had blonde hair since i was a kid and i wanted to dye it darker for a change and everyone was like...

    :O what you doing?! you look so washed out...are you gonna start wearing black lipstick too?

    forget them, theyr just trying to make you feel bad and pick out things about you to make themselves feel superior to those things.

    its pathetic really, and the fact that you dont do it and you arent gonna change shows how much better than them you are no matter what they say.


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