
I have vicodin that expired 4 months ago, can I take it?

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I have vicodin that expired 4 months ago, can I take it?




  1. Why not? I have this wart remover stuff that expired 9 1/2 years ago and it works fine to the day!

  2. the date on the container is actualy a use within one year, the longer it sits in the exposed container, the less potent it is. I would not take it after that long, but to each is own

  3. probably not.

  4. It may not have the same effect as it once did.

    I don't think it will harm you, but why do you need's addictive you know. Be careful, okay...I worry

  5. Yes....but you probably don't need it if it's intended purpose is obsolete.  Medication expires by law.  It's just as potent 4 months past expiry.

    You can read this

    Jesus, I can't believe the scare mongers on here.

  6. A good rule of thumb they say for any medications with some exceptions is that they expire within 6 months to a year after the expiration date and that is actually sometimes at the earliest consideration. Just to be safe, you should call your pharmacy or doctor and ask them if it should still be ok or if there is something else you should be taking for pain.

  7. Yes, it just might not work as well as it does when it's fresh.  It won't hurt you.

  8. Yes you can technically take it.  Will it work? No.  The expiration date is when the activity of the medication ceases to work.  You won't feel a thing.  It's best to not even bother with expired medications.

  9. Yes you can take it, it just may not be as strong as it should be.

  10. sure you can, expired pharmacueticals are really good for you!

  11. I am a Certified Medical Assistant

    No do not take it.. NEVER take expired medications for two reasons..

    One they lose their effectiveness and Two some medications become toxic...

    Also DO NOT flush them it has been determined that it gets in our water..

    Throw them out or go to your local Walgreen's they will dispose of them for you

  12. i'll take it if you don't want it.

  13. You can take it............but if you don't have a need don''t , you just have to go through the blues again for a's additive........good luck...........If your in pain(bad)go for it.

  14. Yes, prescription meds last for YEARS and the worst that could happen after 5 years is that the medicine would be less effective.

  15. Hey, if it doesn't kill ya, you'll wake up stoned as a beagle that's been to the vet!

    Then again, it could really kill you...

    I wouldn't take it.  Why would there be an expiration date if it didn't really expire?  Especially by four months?



  16. Well, As with most drugs, the chemical composition breaks down after a certain amount of time. It is the same as having expired advil, it won't hurt you, but it might not do the trick either. You don't have to worry about getting poisoned or anything. If there was a risk of that, they would have a major warning on the prescription label.

  17. i dont this u should thats why they have expirations

  18. Yes you can take it and it will still get you high if that is your desire and it will still stop the pain and if it didn't hurt you before it should not hurt you now

  19. ....i wouldnt.

  20. Yes.  It will still work and there is nothing wrong with it. The only reason there is an expiration date on any kind of drug is because when it expires, the drug is not as potent.  Expiration dates are approximate and it doesn't suddenly go bad on that date.  Take two, if you feel no relief, take another...I wouldn't take more than three at a time.

  21. YES YOU CAN!!!  Prescription medication that is past the expiry date is fine to ingest.  The only thing is that it might have lost some of its potency!

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