
I have video of hugging at least one person in 33 different countries - should I make a video clip of it?

by  |  earlier

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Should I post it on youtube? I have countries like Jordan, Turkey, Brazil, Mexico, most Asian countries and all over Europe.




  1. it would be a good idea

    you should also have some music or jokes along with the video.. or do a little introduction

    should be good


  2. You missed about 160-something

  3. Sure, why not?

    in response to anovoarr, below, he may some valid points, generally speaking (some countries have laws which prohibit you from publishing people's pictures without their consent, for example - and so shrewd photographers get release forms signed by their subjects...), but what controversy can result from being hugged in 33 countries?  It's not exactly Paris Hilton material, and the world could use a little more exposure to warm, positive, interconnectivity which does no harm, in my opinion... long as you don't commit some heinous crime in the future, I don't think it would be a problem for the other people involved... but what if one of them turns out to be a serial murderer or something? oh my, why does every little thing have to be so complicated, huh?

    (edit) I am looking for reference to a thing I read that the late great artist Andy Warhol once said...  He said something about whenever he was second-guessing himself about the possible consequences of some decision or situation, he would tell himself "So what?"

    In the end, it's up to you. But I figure you have this unique footage, why not put it together and share it, creatively?

  4. Why not?  I'm not guaranteeing you instant youtube fame or anything, but some people will definitely see it, and it will probably make those people smile at least for a few minutes.  

    Your idea reminds me of Matt Harding's "Dancing" video.  He started out with a video of himself dancing alone in different places all over the world, then got sponsored by Stride Gum, and made another video of himself dancing with all other people.  He went to all 7 continents, just doing the same goofy dance.  It's one of my favorite things to watch on youtube.  It makes me happy, and who knows--maybe your "Hugging" video would make people feel the same way.

    You might want to consider posting it as a reply to Matt's original video.  That way even more people have a chance of seeing it.

  5. ya man...would be cool...there was a guy like you who went hugging different people here in my city....

    try and edit it to give some good effects and would look very dull and boring if it just has you hugging people randomly. try to get the country flag in ...add transition effects...wierd question to ask though...just upload it and see how it goes...and post the link here for us to see :P

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