
I have visited a massage and the lady gave me oral s*x at the end. Do you think I can catch a desease?

by Guest45390  |  earlier

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I have visited a massage and the lady gave me oral s*x at the end. Do you think I can catch a desease?




  1. yes. get it checked

  2. Not unless you gave her oral. But if you are having symptoms i'd go get tested.

  3. I was told years ago YOU GET IT WHERE YOU PUT IT.Meaning if you allowed this person to give you oral s*x and she has an STD in her mouth then yes, my friend, you will get it.  

  4. Yes, it is possible to contract an STD while having someone perform oral s*x on you.

    If you are not sure if you have an STD then be sure to get tested. See your doctor.  

  5. thanks for the points and the fake question...

  6. The most likely thing that you could catch would be herpes, but you can also get gonorrhea, or syphilis this way.

    In the future, I would wear a condom when recieving oral s*x from a s*x worker.

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