
I have vitiligo and I have a problem?

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Why is my neck so itchy and red, even though I wear sunblock.




  1. Consult with good dermatologist. And If you need free help then utalize the free live support of any site which provide the info about vitiligo or other skin condition like the live support on the site , where through online chatting facility you can consult with  dermatologist. In the same way many other health sites provide such facilities.

  2. I have vitiligo too and often get itchy knees (where i suffer from patches) when i've been in the sun. Is your sunblock strong? my dermatologist recommended 50+! It might be that you need to wear a hat to shade you from the sun more. Are you in the UK? You're lucky to have some sunshine! :)

  3. I've had it my whole life. If you are in water, it may wash off. It doesn't take much for the place with no pigment to burn. Use the highest SPF you can find

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