
I have volleyball injuries, does that mean i am doing it wrong?

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i am a libero and i dive alot. i had a clinic yesterday specially for liberos. we worked on diveing and passing moslty off hard hits. i am a skinny girl medium height. i always come home with bruises. i have this HUGE bruise on my elbow from diveing. i dont know if that is because i am doing something wrong or just because im skinny my bones stick out and they get hit when i dive. please help! right now i have 5 bruises 3 cuts and a red burn from sliding (i play soccer too so some of those are from soccer). please tell me what i am doing wrong or if i am just going to have to deal with it because i am skinny. i get hurt all the time so when i get hurt i just keep going.




  1. i have played select volleyball for 5 years now, and although i am not a libero i no that you are doing everything right...if you didnt have bruises you would be doing your job you are suppose to dive and suppose to get bruises i woulod show them off and be like yeah!! i dove yeasterday cause i am a beast at volleyball lol keep it up

  2. The major problem with women's volleyball is mostly men coach it so they teach a dive or a sprawl.  This is extremely effective for men, but with women there is a better way.  If you haven't learned to roll or do extensions, I strongly suggest it.  There is very little fat if any on your hips which can lead to extreme pain and scars later on in life.  If you do rolls and side extensions, you take the hits the sides of your hips where females naturally have padding.  Side extensions are great because you can do those and roll out of them in a barrel or shoulder roll.  To do a side extension, be in a low defensive position and take a very large step (much like diving or sprawling) except instead of kicking ur legs out, pull your bent leg inside your body and land more on your side.  This is a great defensive tool to learn, especially if you want to improve your game.  It's hard to explain how to do a roll without being in person, so I'm going to give you some links.  Also, if you can attend some collegiate clinics, ask for help on extensions and rolls.  If you look at the video I included, you notice how light she is with rolling ( and its a side extension before she rolls out of it).  This should save you from some bruises, but remember--Bruises are personal trophies.

    NEVER EVER land on your hands.  You will do some serious damage.

  3. Take a brake its off season. And if you really want to play try to make sure you dont slide so much if the ball is to far to reach without sliding try running farther before diving. Also make sure your knees hit the ground first to slow you down and to keep you from sliding to much.

  4. diving wrong

    or diving too much :p

    since girls volleyball isn't in season, take a little break and let them heal.

  5. If you dive properly, you won't hurt yourself.

    Below are some tips:

    1. Keep your body low

    - Lower your body, less impact when you hit the floor.

    2. Never dive side ways

    - you can seriously hurt your hips.

    - If you have to go side ways, collapse quickly and roll in one move.

    3. Dive by dipping your upper body and flipping up your legs with your knees bent to keep your knees from hitting the floor.

    4. Land on your stomach and hands, NEVER on your KNEES or ELBOWS.

    - Keep your body arched and your legs bent.

    - Land and slide on your stomach.

    *imagine landing an airplane, not dropping a bomb.

    You can practice diving on a mattress or a mat on the floor.

    As Dan mentioned above, you need to know when to dive and when to roll. Also, see if you can learn how to collapse.

    Regular stretching should be done when you do these moves.

    Good Luck.

  6. Ur definetly diving wrong

  7. your cosistant thats good. ask your coach I don't think your doing any thing wrong

  8. you arent doing anything wrong! injuries just mean your working hard!

    our school coaches (if its a school volleyball team) provide us with knee try asking your principal (or coach or whoever) to provide your team with knee pads (maybe even elbow pads). you could even make a petition with student signitures! or you can buy some knee pads (and/or elbow pads) at wal-mart or hibet sports or academy (most any sports store).

  9. I think you are diving wrong, but you probably need to toughen up a little bit.


    1. stay low

    2. hit the ball b4 u hit the ground

    3. Have FUN!!!

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