
I have way to much on my mind for my age, what's something YOU do to relieve stress?

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For being 14, I have a lot of things piling up on/in my life, and frankly, it's amounting to too much anger, and I can't deal with it anymore. How do you relieve stress?

I;m a martial artist, so I tend to aggressively take my anger/stress out, and I know that's not healthy, so I need alternatives.

Thanks for your advice! I'm open to anything!






  1. I'm not sure if this would work or you or not, but try writing in a journal, or even just a piece of looseleaf paper. Sure, it sounds really cliche, but it really does help. You'd be surprised. Sometimes it just feels nice to be able to just write down everything that you're thinking and know that the journal won't judge you, try to give you useless advice, or tell everyone you know.

    Maybe that would help. =)  

  2. One thing you might consider is meeting with your martial arts teacher.  You are supposed to be being taught NOT to use that aggressively unless attacked.    He/she might have some good suggestions.

    You might need some anger management -- maybe ask a parent or school counselor.

    Consider reducing your load.  You didn't address what else you are involved in, but too many extra curricular activities on top of school and homework and home life and social life and can overwhelm anyone.

  3. Maybe you are attaching too much importance to the wrong things in life. The right thing is to be happy with what you are doing with your abilitys the best you can. Nobody can do any better than that

  4. I imagine the best thing to come out of each situation.

  5. Since you are a martial artist you exercise. This releases endorphins stress relievers how can you be mad when exercising. Find something relaxing even if you got to much to do sort out your priorities do what is more important to you.  

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