
I have weird Discharge?

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Okay so I went to wipe after using the bathroom... and i had a clean strand of a gel like discharge.. Im 27 almost 28 weeks along in my pregnancy... is this something to worry about.. does it happen a lot?




  1. it sounds as though u have had a show..this is nothing to worry about u can have shows from about 27 weeks the same as braxton hicks...

  2. It's normal. It might be your mucus plug.  

  3. The mucus plug can come out early and  regenerate. it does not mean labor is right around the corner necessarily.

  4. I know this is a weird question but have you happened to have s*x in the last few days?  I would get this everytime I had s*x when I was pregnant.  It could also be a mucus plug...but don't worry, even though you are not close to your due date yet a mucus plug can grow back.  

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