
I have weird bumps on my arms and thighs!!!!!! PLEASE HELP!!!10 points!!!?

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i have had these little bumps on my arms from my elbow to my shoulder my whole life. i also have them on my thighs and now i think they are starting to come up on my stomach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!! they are small and red and they dont stick out except for some on my arms ( i pop some of those but it really hurts and they still dont go away). PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!! if u know of ANYTHING that can help please tell and try to be specific if giving names of products or pills.THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!♥♥♥




  1. It could just be clogged up oil. Try not to pop them because after a lot of popping, they can scar & it won't look good.

    Instead, lather some body wash on a towel & rub in circles over these bumps. You can also try an exfoliating scrub or an exfoliating body wash. If they don't go away, they'll go away when you're older.  

  2. i have those too. u can probably get some kind of treatment from your dermitologist, but untill then the best thing to do is get a brisstle brush or something and put soap on it and exfoliate ur skin. it works for me  

  3. I asked my doctor this question not one week ago. She explained that the bumps are the beginnings of hair growth, especially on your thighs. How old are you? If you are in your teenage years, then the bumps will just slowly fade away as you grow older because your hair has fully grown. Give it time. I know how annoying they are. I have like, 20 million on my thighs. Don't bother to pop them. It's not a pimple. It hurts and it doesn't do anything to help. My doctor also said older people who still have them use Vitamin A cream or something like that. I would suggest asking your doctor about it.

  4. try putting petroleum jelly on them wen u sleep one night

  5. It's probably eczema. You should use a moisturizing cream  like Aveeno and see a dermatologist who can suggest further treatment.

    Aveeno can be found at stores like Target, Walmart, Walgreens, etc...

    Hydrocortisone cream can also help - can be found at the same stores, brand doesn't matter.

  6. My little brother used to get bumps on his arms and stomach. my mom took him to the doctor and he said to pop them and there should be  white ball thing, take that out, and it should clear up:)

    hope this could help!

  7. You probably have eczema or atopicdermatitus (sp.)?

    It's where your skin build up extra layers of skin over areas you scratch to protect itself.

    so you should see a dermatologist.

  8. okay to me (im not a doctor) it sounds like a skin allergy. You should go to your doctor and ask for a patch test. A patch test is a painless procedure where rows of plasers dipped in various irritants are stuck onto the skin. What ever plaster itches is the substance you are allergic to.

    In the mean time change things one by one. Example what washing powder do you use? swap to a non bio for baby skin, this may help.

    Shower in cool water and apply a soothing mointuriser such as aloe vera. Also, could be prickly heat where sweat get trapped and irritated the hair follicles resulting in little red bumps. Does it get worse when you are hot or doing sport? However, since you can pop the bumps it suggest that your pores are clogged and infected and you would need an antibiotic ointment from your doctor. Finally ask for a blood test to see if you have food allergies. My friend gets red bumps from eating certain foods and also pollen. If you have hot skin, a temperture, yellow discoloration or you are not feeling good it could be a skin infection and you should ask your doctor to send you to a dermo. Good lck.

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