
I have weird periods...?

by  |  earlier

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Ever since I got my period three years ago. I hate it First I have a very heavy flow. I have to use night pads during the day. My discharge is also very heavy. Then, I have cramps so bad that it cause me to see stars yesterday in school and I have to go home. My parents want me to go see a doctor but I am scared . What would the doctor do???




  1. thats the same with me...

    i dono what to do!

  2. I don't really have an answer to your question unfortunately, but I was like that also when I was younger.  I remember that a bunch of girls had a heavy flow then.  As I've gotten older everything has kind of evened out.

    I would go see the doctor if I were you.  He or She will probably prescribe birth control pills for you.  They will help regulate your period, and usually help lessen the flow and make cramps not as bad depending on which one you get.

  3. The doctor will put you on birth control if you want to get that fixed I had the same problem and I got on birth control and it was so much better. I would say yaz would be the best,I have tired the pill and patch but never tired yaz I have two kids and I'm breastfeeding so I can't use yaz I have mirena and it has stopped my periods.. But I think mirena is for one that have had at least one kid. Good luck to you and hope you get better.heres some information on yaz..

    YAZ (drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol) is the only birth control pill that's also approved by the FDA to treat emotional and physical premenstrual symptoms that are severe enough to impact your life, for women who choose the Pill for contraception. Plus, it is also proven to help treat moderate acne *.


    Get shorter, lighter periods with YAZ®

    YAZ, like most other birth control pills, can also help give you shorter, lighter periods, a more regular menstrual cycle, and even reduce your cramps. Lighter periods can mean less blood loss. This reduces iron loss and lowers the risk of iron deficiency anemia.


    YAZ is a combination birth control pill, containing both an estrogen and a progestin. So, like other combination birth control pills, it may also offer you many additional health benefits beyond birth control, such as shorter, lighter periods.

  4. the doctor might put you on birth control (maybe! i really dont know) to lighten your flow

  5. See a doctor. I had the same problem, a doctor will more than likely give you a medication.

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