
I have well water,my pump is turning on and off every 6 seconds when i run the water,it is almost pulsating??

by  |  earlier

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I have well water,my pump is turning on and off every 6 seconds when i run the water,it is almost pulsating??




  1. if you have a newer style tank it has an air bladder in it. if so there will be a valve on the tank like a valve on a tire to insert air . ask at a hardware store how much air pressure should be in it. if the bladder is broken you'll have to replace the tank.

    an older style tank you can turn the pump off ,drain the tank then refill it . the tank uses the air as a buffer. if that does not cure the problem your high/low pressure switch may be bad.

  2. The water tank contains an air bladder. If the air is gone it will cause the exact problem you are having. Look for an air  valve on the tank similar to the valve on a car or bicycle tire. The amount of pressure you need to pump it to should be written on the tank. Just use a bicycle pump.

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