
I have white spots on my tonsils... help?

by  |  earlier

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I have a sore throat, a fever, a runny nose, and pressure in my ears/across the bridge of my face.

It hurts when I swallow, and when I looked in my mouth, I saw a lot of little white spots on my tonsils, and my tonsils are red and inflamed. I'm not sure what this is, any light shed on this would be helpful.




  1. I had the same problem for a long time. Antibiotics didn't help a whole lot- I was always on them. I had tonsilitis. Then I had my tonsils removed and now everything is fine. Go to your GP

  2. Sounds like strep throat you need to go to the doctor and get an antibiotic.  

  3. get to a doctor you may have strep

  4. It might not be strep. I had the same problem a couple months ago! It's probably tonsillitis. It hurts a lot! :( You need to go to the doctor asap and get antibiotics, I just got ammoxicillin and it went away within a week. But, if you don't go to the doctor it won't go away. Also, don't kiss any boys because it's VERY contagious! You could give him the same thing or even worse- strep throat. :P Good luck! Eating popsicles made me feel better ;)

  5. strep throat  

  6. You've got strep throat. almost 100% sure. Go to a doctor and ask for s strep test, if it comes back postiive, which I'm sure it will, they'll prescirbe you amoxicillin or another medicine. Make sure you don't leave it untreated.



  7. i agree strep throat is probably the most likely.  you should go to your pcp to get it checked out, they can do a quick test in the office to confirm.

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